toilet block

Parish council’s plan to replace eight ‘eyesore’ toilets with three new modules

Newport Parish Council have agreed to submit a planning application to demolish the current toilet facility in Post Office Lane, off the High Street, and replace with new facilities.

The current block contains five female, two male (plus one urinal) and one disabled toilet. Once demolished it will be replaced by three Danfo toilet modules, with associated landscaping.

Swedish company, Danfo, make bespoke toilet blocks (picture above just one example). Newport Parish council say they’ve been working with surveyors, Christopher Scott, to develop a scheme for new unisex and disabled toilets.

Integrating art
A spokesperson for Newport Parish Council said,

“These user friendly units will be further enhanced by attractive landscaping of the surrounding public space. Using the expertise of AJ Wells and inspiration from artwork by young people and local artists, it is hoped to make the whole area much more acceptable and attractive.”

newport toilet plans

Improving the current eyesore
Chair of the Parish Council’s Devolved Services Committee, Cllr Whiteman said:

“I am extremely pleased our Members want to take this opportunity to improve this eyesore of a toilet facility within our capital town and this will mark the first stage of improving all our toilet blocks for residents and visitors.”

A fantastic opportunity
Cllr Jones-Evans as the local ward Councillor added,

“I always saw the transfer of the public toilets to the Parish Council as a fantastic opportunity to improve these valued facilities.

“Opening up this unattractive space which is unloved into a bright, safe open environment and working with local artists is going to vastly improve the experience of being in Newport.”

South Street toilets
The spokesperson for Newport Parish Council went on to say,

“Unfortunately, the talks with the IW Council regarding the transfer of toilet facilities in South Street have reached an impasse. These toilets have been closed by the IW Council since April 2017 following drainage issues.

“The Parish Council has offered to open the block and take on day to day maintenance, with the overall responsibility for the building remaining with the IW Council, but this has not been accepted.

“There is currently an arrangement with McDonald’s to use their facilities as a community toilet and it was agreed to extend this for an additional 12 weeks. There are also talks with Southern Vectis regarding providing a customer toilet in the bus station.”

Image: © Example of a Danfo AB toilet