Phoenix Choir:

Phoenix Choir sing for the Hospice

Thanks to Robin for this update from the Phoenix Choir. Ed

A performance originally scheduled for twelve months ago, had to be postponed when the Musical Director of the Phoenix Choir, Robin Burnett, suffered a heart attack just one week before the concert.

Now, exactly one year later, the 50-strong choir are delighted to be singing in aid of the Earl Mountbatten Hospice at a special concert on Thursday 4th July at St Saviour’s Church, Shanklin.

The performance starts at 7.45pm. Admission is free but there will be a retiring collection. There will also be a raffle and teas/coffees will be available.

The programme
Robin has now recovered and will be leading the choir that evening in a selection of well-known songs ‘From Pavarotti to Presley’. These will include a medley of songs from ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, favourites such as ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’, ‘Sailing’ and ‘Amazing Grace’ together with songs from popular musicals, whilst the ladies of the choir will perform a classic from the Motown era.

He and the choir hope that you will support this special event and the invaluable service provided by EMH.

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5, August 2013 12:45 pm

Island Roads notify the road users they are going to resurface but people still park on the side of the road. A good solution would be to get the police to tow the cars. They had a similar issue in Cowes a few years back. Warnings were given to residents but they still parked their cars and the contractors had to weave in and out of the… Read more »

5, August 2013 1:13 pm

It’s a mildly amusing photo, but what were they meant to do? Tarmac over the roof of the van? All go home and come back the next day? Or simply do what they could and come and fill in the gap later? Because they can do that. Because tarmac’s clever like that. I guess it was inevitable that Island Roads would come under great scrutiny given the… Read more »

5, August 2013 1:21 pm

Rare to see a van driver not parking on the pavement.

5, August 2013 1:37 pm

What a shame that Island Roads cannot afford to put roadside notices that this particular stretch will be re-surfaced on ‘whatever date’. Obviously they could maybe have also put Cones out on the road to reinforce the message as both vehicles seem to be more work based than personal transport. Perhaps IR don’t think that we have workmen or deliveries on our roads? It may seem petty… Read more »

5, August 2013 1:43 pm

This must happen a lot in residential areas where vehicles can be parked when someone has gone away etc. I am surprised they cannot put the van on a trailer and move it out the way during the work,if the owner cannot be located to move it. Would be worth the investment for this sort of equipment,especially if they have the Island’s re-surfacing contract for the next… Read more »

5, August 2013 1:44 pm

I would have thought that the driver of the van was probably working nearby, or if not they could have phoned the number on the van and found out where the driver was to get it moved. Re the similar problem in Cowes a couple of years ago, they still haven’t finished the job, including leaving double yellow lines unfinished and therefore unenforceable! Island Roads have also… Read more »

jason creed
5, August 2013 2:26 pm

Its my mates van and he lives there. He wasn’t home all weekend and the sign did not say they would be doing it on a Sunday morning. If he had known then he would of made sure his van was not in the way.

Fred Karno
5, August 2013 3:01 pm

Whatever the rights and wrongs of this PFI scheme – this photo looks to be a pretty poor effort at resurfacing to me. It looks as though a layer of tarmac has just been rolled on top of an existing surface without any preparation. It doesn’t look very even; but that could just be the photo. The revealing give away is where they have gone around the… Read more »

Robyn hunt
5, August 2013 3:17 pm

This is my partner’s van and we live down this road. We were out all day due to staying out the night. Firstly, yes, they did put a sign out on Broadwood Lane stating that they would be doing that road on the 3/8/13 but did not turn up. Apparently they did show on Sunday the 4/8/13, but too late for us to know about it as… Read more »

5, August 2013 3:56 pm

I find the above article demonstrates accurately the workmanship qualities of Island Roads contractors who have proved on many occasions that they are obviously unqualified in the type of work they are meant to be carrying out.

It also completely contradicts the statement put out on this link:-

5, August 2013 5:21 pm

What do you expect when the same crew that were in charge of the council highways dept are now in charge of the roads PFI,The only way anything will improve is to remove them from the job and put in someone who knows what they are doing.

5, August 2013 7:52 pm

too ridiculous to laugh at – if it is genuine?
bodes well for the rest of the roads
seems i’ll be bouncing around on the no 3 for a while to come

5, August 2013 9:29 pm

Just been out and about,went along New street in Newport,omg what have they done to the surface,it looks as if it wasn’t rolled before they let the traffic over it. On the other hand,i did hear that it was rolled,i’m thinking by the traffic,i could be wrong,i would say it was rolled by a rubber tired roller,no good, If that is how we can expect our roads… Read more »

Don Smith
6, August 2013 12:48 am

Does anyone from the Council inspect/examine the work being
carried out by Island Roads? If not, why not?

Tom Spragg
6, August 2013 9:24 am

Why are Island Roads poncing about doing cul-de-sacs anyway? Aren’t there any main roads in desperate need of re-surfacing?

Reply to  Tom Spragg
6, August 2013 9:30 am

given the state of the work theyve done so far, much better to practice on some culdesacs than screw up the main roads. I wonder if they will simply close the main roads or ponce about with temporary lights instead? Much better to shut sections of road and get the work done overnight surely.

Tom Spragg
Reply to  woodworker
6, August 2013 9:39 am

Good point. Let’s hope they get the hang of it before 25 years is up.

6, August 2013 10:41 am

What on earth makes anyone think that they will complete 25 years? Going by what happens in the rest of the PFI world the ‘deal’ will become unsustainable after a while and then it will collapse leaving us to pick up the pieces! I cant see many that succeed and certainly not ones that start so badly….. Life goes on eh?

11, August 2013 5:16 pm

I find the above article demonstrates accurately the workmanship qualities of Island Roads contractors who have proved on many occasions that they are obviously unqualified in the type of work they are meant to be carrying out. It also completely contradicts the original statement as can be seen on You Tube by entering ‘Island Roads’ in their search facility, which by today’s standard of work will leave… Read more »

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