Breast screening xrays:

Celebrating 25 years of Island breast screening services

This in from the IW NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed

In celebration of 25 years of the National Breast Screening Programme on the Island, the Breast Screening and the Applegate Breast Care Units are holding an open day and inviting staff and the public to drop by and visit any time between 10am and 3pm tomorrow (Tuesday 18th June 2013).

There will be opportunities to tour the Breast Screening Unit, meet the team and see how breast imaging has developed over the last 25 years. At the Applegate Breast Care Unit there will also be the opportunity to find out how breast cancer is treated and see what support there is available for those affected by breast disease.

Founding centre
The Isle of Wight Breast Screening Unit at St. Mary’s Hospital was one of the first breast screening centres to be established in the country back in 1988 and in 2010 was the first centre in the region to expand the age range of those invited to between 47 and 73 years.

In 1988 the service invited approximately 3500 ladies today we are inviting 9500 ladies per year and 78% attend.

The benefits of early detection
The breast screening programme continues to be supported by the Health Ministers as a method of detecting small changes in women with no symptoms. This early detection means that women have the opportunity to live long fulfilling lives after successful treatment of the cancer.

The breast screening programme does not function alone and the excellent survival rates experienced today are a result of the dedication of the whole team – Radiographers, Radiologists, Surgeons, Breast Care Nurses, Laboratory Technicians, Pathologist, Ward Staff, Oncologists and all the administrative support to ensure every patient gets the care and support they require.

All welcome to open day
The open day will be held on Tuesday 18th June, 10am – 3pm at the Breast Screening Unit and outside the Applegate Breast Care Unit.

Refreshments will be provided.

Breast screening services are commissioned and funded by NHS England. Hospital and community health care services are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group.