The Isle of Wight won't be holding local elections this week, unlike much of the UK, but this research provides an interesting insight into the views of the general public about the work of local councillors
This reader explains why she believes the Elections Bill and the Government’s change of voting system for Mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner elections is unaccountable and undemocratic
News OnTheWight has been speaking to those who are in play and also sifting through the rumours as to who will lead the Isle of Wight Conservative councillors. Voting take places on Friday
Learn the top three priorities for their four year term of the person who was elected to be your Isle of Wight councillor. Today, the Southern and Bay areas
Cllr Hastings says his wife she felt it was wrong to take the seat unopposed, having lost the Isle of Wight Council election for the Carisbrooke and Gunville seat