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Praise for primary school after latest Ofsted inspection

Congratulations are in order for Shalfleet Primary School. Following a recent Ofsted inspection, the school was rated in ‘Overall effectiveness’ as Good.

Behaviour and safety of pupils Outstanding
The inspector also judged the ‘Leadership and management’, ‘Quality of teaching,’ ‘Achievement of pupils ‘and ‘Early years provision’ as Good. Not to mention an Outstanding rating for ‘Behaviour and safety of pupils’.

Some highlights from the report include:

  • The wise decision of the governors to appoint the very capable headteacher to lead and manage both schools within the federation is ensuring rapid improvement in many areas of the school’s work. Shared expertise, staff meetings, training, joint events and a single governing body are just a few of the many benefits of this valuable initiative. The school benefits from ‘light touch’ help from the local authority.
  • When asked if they enjoy learning there was a resounding ‘Yes!’ They are very clear about the expectations of work and behaviour and demonstrate a very good understanding of the three school values of Respect, Determination and Relationships.
  • Provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptionally strong especially due to the school’s powerful links with the local church and the wider community. Links made between school values and the curriculum teach pupils to be reflective. They develop a good understanding of people from different cultures, with different beliefs and lifestyles and an awareness of how to live harmoniously in modern Britain.
  • Pupils’ progress is checked rigorously and teachers meet every half term to plan the next steps in pupils’ learning. Interventions are put into place immediately for pupils who are identified as not doing as well as they should.
  • Leaders have been particularly effective in planning a stimulating and interesting curriculum that makes a significant contribution to pupils’ excellent behaviour, good relationships and first-rate attitude to their work
  • Pupils were impeccably behaved during the inspection, in worship, around the building and playground. They are extremely polite and well mannered, thoughtful and articulate and a pleasure to talk to.

Full details in the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: donhomer under CC BY 2.0