Quarr Abbey show for Island trio

Martin Swan Sarah Talbot and Sally Woodford

Thanks to Suzanne and Alan for this latest news. Ed

Quarr Abbey’s latest exhibition features a trio of Island artists.

Martin Swan
Martin Swan RSMA renowned marine artist’s latest showings are however set strictly on terra firma. His thirty offerings are set almost exclusively on the Island and are oil paintings in the main. Subjects include Godshill Pond, Froglands Copse and Longstone Barn.

A number of farms feature including Little Whitcombe, Sibdown and North Appleford. There is also an engaging number of studies featuring Quarr Abbey’s resident pigs which, at present, are resplendent in new surroundings. Among the watercolours there is a view of Lymington Salt Marsh.

Sally Woodford
Sally Woodford’s ceramics feature items made mainly from earthstone clay although she does also work with porcelain and raku. After attending university she spent time working with the late Malcolm Twinn at his Carisbrooke Pottery.

Sally stopped making pots in 1987 with the demands of bringing up a family but returned to ceramics in 2005. For some of her latest work she is engaged in cutting up an old snooker table in order to have a slate base for some of her designs.

Many of Sally’s pieces are based on seashore themes and pebbles, both actual and ceramic are used.

Sarah Talbot
Sarah Talbot’s collection could not be more local, featuring as it does low tide at Fishbourne, the mouth of Wootton Creek and Quarr Abbey itself.

There are also portraits of two of the abbey’s monks- Father Finbar and Father Petrock with ‘a friend’-a pig but these are NFS. Pigs feature widely as do her studies of various chickens and fowls.

This exhibition continues in the Quarr Abbey Gallery (free admission) until Tuesday 23rd July (see Quarr Abbey Website for opening times.)