Rare Californian Plant Flowers In Ventnor

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Alex KimovskiA plant that is native to the Mojave Desert in California has flowered for the first time at Ventnor Botanic Garden.

The Yucca schidigera, which is also known as the Spanish Dagger or the Mojave Yucca, is very tall and to flower in an outdoor environment is very rare in the UK.

Get in quick, flower lasts two weeks
It can grow up to five metres in heights, while the flower spike at the top of the plant could exceed more than a metre alone and comprises of hundreds of white night scented flowers.

Chris Kidd, Head Gardener at Ventnor Botanic Garden said you will need to be quick to see it in its current state. He said “The flower spike should remain open for around two weeks so anyone wanting to view it should visit the gardens now.

“Historically, the plant was used by native Americans to make soap, while its seeds could be ground into flour. The fibres of the leaves were also used to make rope, sandals and cloth.

“It is a very exciting and stunning plant to view, not to mention being very photogenic.”

Ventnor Botanic Garden can contacted on 01983 855397 for more details about the plant, and for opening times or general information.

Image: © Isle of Wight Council