Rare Devil’s Tongue Arum In Bloom at Ventnor Botanics

It doesn’t look very attractive and it doesn’t smell very nice, but you can be guaranteed that horticulture buffs will be heading to the Ventnor Botanic Gardens this week, as a very rare flower, which is thought to have never blossomed outdoors in the UK, is bucking the trend right here on the Isle of Wight.

If you’re expecting a sweet smell from the rare Devil’s Tongue Arum (Amorphophallus rivieri “Konjac”), think again, because this little flower stinks of rotting flesh. Yes, rotting flesh!

We’re sure that will have you all clamouring down in your droves, but make sure you get there soon as the floweing is expected to end by 31st May.

The plant originally comes from Indonesia, but can also be found in China.

Simon Goodenough, Curator at Ventnor Botanic Garden said: “We are both surprised and delighted that the Devil’s Tongue Arum is in flower considering the incredibly harsh and snowy winter we endured this year.

“Here at Ventnor we have many unusual plants from around the world but this has to be one of the most impressive sights we have seen for many years.

“Whilst we cannot claim to be the first to flower this plant in the UK it is probably the only time, or one of a very few times this has ever been flowered out of doors. The Island’s unique climate has enabled us to create the perfect conditions for the plant to thrive and our hard work has come to fruition with the flowering of this plant.

“It might not be the prettiest or the sweetest smelling flower in our collection but for curiosity value it is certainly well worth a visit!”

Visit the Ventnor Botanic Gardens Website for details of opening times.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Isle of Wight Council.