African Drumming in Ventnor: Review

Ever felt like you want to get out during the day and learn a new skill? Do something out of the ordinary?

african drumming courseAt the beginning of this year, I did an African Drumming course, arranged by the Arts unit and lead by the ever-active Rob Chuter.

Rob’s well known in Ventnor, indeed around the whole of South Wight, for spreading the love through the rhythm of the African drum. I’m sure many of you have bobbed around to his drumming collectives at the Ventnor Festivals.

Running for five weeks, the course was in the grandiose location of East Dean in Bonchurch – all for the bargain price of £15.

I was a complete novice to this type of drumming … well to be honest, all types of drumming, bar tapping my fingers on my leg or a table – remaining rhythmic for 10-20 seconds.

The group on my course was a wide mixture of characters and abilities ranging from some who do many of Rob’s weekly events, to others, like me, who were having a go for the first time.

Group and tutor were very welcoming and I was amazed that within about half an hour we were all banging out unified rhythms. Being a man with a lot of experience in the area, Rob was keen for us all to learn more, and pushed us on to constantly expand our repertoire.

I’ll be frank and say that a couple of times I got frustrated by my hands no doing what I’d asked them to do, but this is all part of the process I was assured. It eventually passed.

Towards the end of the course, there were a few of the jams where I really felt that I had the Rhythm. Pretty magical when everyone was vibing, synchronised, bangin’ out pretty complex rhythms.

As an indication of how well the course was received, all of us bar one stayed to the end, many signing up for the next one. I’d have done the same, but didn’t have the luxury of time.

So get out there and get signed up for the next one. I’d highly recommend going on it. Unleash your hidden Vibe.

The next season of courses have already started (Thanks Anne for your comment)
