Attendees at the Reform UK meeting with Richard Tice
Yes, that's former IW Conservative MP, Andrew Turner at the back of the room

Richard Tice rallies support for Isle of Wight Reform UK candidates

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News shared by Sarah Morris on behalf of Reform UK. Ed

Monday evening saw the launch of the Isle of Wight Reform UK candidates’ campaigns.

Sarah Morris for Isle of Wight East, and Ian Pickering for Isle of Wight West both spoke to a packed audience of 140 supporters alongside party leader, Richard Tice.

One of first engagements after election called
Richard had been booked to come down to the Island, but after the announcement of the general election his attendance was understandably pulled into question.

Richard honoured his promise to speak on our beautiful Island, making it one of his first engagements in his extremely busy run up to the election, as he also has his own constituency campaign to run. 

A positive mood
The energy in the room was fantastic, there was a really positive mood with lots of excellent questions and answers. 

Sarah and Ian are very keen to get going with their calendar of upcoming events, including the various hustings evenings where they are looking forward to answering your questions and meeting voters. 

They will be out knocking on doors campaigning in a street near you soon! 

Find out more
For more information regarding Reform UK, go to their website or find Sarah and Ian on their own sites and social media pages.