illustation of person having covid-19 test by United Nations

Rise in rolling seven day number of positive Covid-19 tests on the Isle of Wight

There have been 159 new positive Coronavirus (Covid-19) tests on the Isle of Wight today (Thursday) taking the weekly rolling rate to 861 – a rate per 100,000 population of 610.64.

The cumulative total since the pandemic began now stands at 20,955 – a rate per 100,000 population of 14,861.70.

As of 23rd December, the Government Dashboard records the total number of deaths within 28 days of a positive test was 319.

As of 10th December, the cumulative number of deaths with Covid-19 on the death certificate on the Isle of Wight was 352.

Covid patients in hospital
The Covid dashboard shows that as of 21st December there were 22 patients being treated for Covid-19 at St Mary’s hospital.

The Government dashboard also reports three patients are relying on mechanical ventilation, up one from last week.

Watch the trend
The graph below shows the changes to rolling seven day figure over the last week – mouseover to see figures.

The graph below shows the changes to daily rates over the last three weeks mouseover to see daily figures.

Source: Covid Dashboard and ONS

Image: United Nations under CC BY 2.0