Ryde Academy Sixth Form Haylands

Rise in the number of Ryde Academy pupils achieving all three A-levels

This in from Ryde Academy, in their own words. Ed

We are pleased to see improvements in our Sixth Form A-level resultsthis year.

A level students have achieved on average a third of a grade higher in each of their results and they are leaving with more qualifications than in previous years, achieving the equivalent of an extra half an A level each. The proportion of students achieving all three of their A levels has gone up by nine per cent.

These improvements are a testimony to the hard work of students and the dedicated support provided to students by staff.

We are committed to ensuring that standards continue to rise in the future and we are looking forward to seeing further improvements in results next year.

Abbie Clark aged 18 Abbie has achieved 3 A’s in her A2. After working hard for two years she is off to a Russell group university. She is going to be attending Liverpool University to read Psychology.

Harry Bradley Aged 18 Harry is off to Loughborough University with an unconditional offer with distinctions in Sport and Maths A Level to Sport and Exercise science. Harry is a talented sportsman who plays for Hampshire Cricket.