Roads and Toilets Among Key Council Projects

THE ISLE of Wight Council will be spending an additional £1.75m on the upkeep of the Island’s roads this year.

Six public toilets are also planned to be rebuilt and one major refurbishment, to come on line by March 2009 — in addition to the four “green” public lavatories which are now under construction.

We are also planning to keep six toilets open over the winter months and will install 12 new bus shelters across the Island.

All schools on the Isle of Wight will also have 20mph speed limits outside them within the next 2 years — where possible to do so — to make our educational establishments safer for Island children.

Anti-social behaviour is also set to be tackled by the council with a further clamp down on drinking in public places. Three new no drinking zones will be put in place at trouble spots on the Island over the coming 12 months.

In addition, the council will be rolling out its One Million Blooms programme to three more showcase areas and 20 community led areas to further enhance the Island’s public realm.

Councillor Tim Hunter Henderson Isle of Wight Council cabinet member for environment and transport said: “We pledged during our residents survey consultation that we would tackle those areas that people identified as being of most concern to them.

“Residents have consistently told us that the quality of the public environment and road safety are important to them and these programmes will go a long way towards tackling these key issues. The money for roads is over and above that initially budgeted for. It is money that has been found to address an issue that is of concern to Islanders.”