Rumours Of Cabinet Resignations Denied

Having heard rumours circulating that some of the members of the current Conservative Cabinet at the Isle of Wight council might be stepping down, we contacted them to confirm or refute the rumours.

Hand on earThe names of Cabinet members that had been whispered quietly in the corridors of County Hall were Cllr George Brown: Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for the Economy, Tourism, Leisure and Planning – and Cllr Dawn Cousins: Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Community Wellbeing.

Another name that had been mentioned was ex-Cabinet member Peter Bingham, with the rumours being that he was going to step down as a councillor.

We wrote to them along the lines of …

We’ve been hearing rumours circulating that you’re thinking to step down from the IWC Cabinet.

Is stepping down something that you’re considering?
If so, would that be just from the Cabinet or as a Member?

An adapted version was sent to Peter Bingham as he had already step-down from the Cabinet.

The replies
Rather than reinterpret their words, we felt it’s most open to just display the full text of the relevant parts of their emails.

George Brown
(VB didn’t know about his surgery and wish him well with his recovery.)

Neither, thanks. I am recovering from a minor operation, which caused a few unwanted side effects. This does not prevent me from working normally on Council business at home.

I have attended meetings in CH and will do so increasingly as my medical situation improves.

It was kind of you to think of me.

Dawn Cousins

Dear Simon
The answer to your question is no I have no plans to step down.
Kind regards

Peter Bingham

Thank you for your email.
I was elected in 2009 to represent the people of Central Wight for a four year period. This remains the position.
Best wishes

From what they’ve replied, it looks like the rumours were unfounded.

Image: veryveryquiet under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license

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