School children collecting Cadbury’s Heroes for our NHS Heroes

14-year-old Ryde Academy student, Ruby Mackay, along with 12-year-old Mai Mackay from Priory School have joined forces with Katie and Chloe Barnicoat (ages 14 and 10) to find a way to thank our NHS heroes this Christmas.

In 2019 Chloe, who attends Nettlestone Primary, managed to collect a whopping 101 tubs to share with NHS workers.

The pupils have all been actively collecting tubs of Cadbury’s Heroes since early October to attempt to beat Chloe’s record.

44 tubs collected
Ruby and Mai’s mum, Suzy, explains,

“Since then our NHS has been through so much and this year our lovely daughters would love to beat 101 and spread as much Cadbury’s joy to as many keyworkers as possible.

“So far we have collected 44 tubs.”

If you would like to support the efforts, tubs can be delivered to either the EE Phone Shop, High Street, Newport or the IMO Car Wash in Ryde.