Parking ticket machine:

Share your views on parking in Ryde with RBA

Ryde Business Association (RBA) is asking businesses, residents and visitors to Ryde to take part in an anonymous online parking survey.

The survey follows proposals put forward by the Isle of Wight council to introduce new charges for on-street parking in areas that currently does not charge.

Plans to be reviewed
In November the Isle of Wight council voted to reconsider the proposed charges, adding one option would be to make Union Street a single parking zone, rather than the current four zones.

Ahead of the next set of proposals from the Isle of Wight council – which says it has to make cuts of £5.5m in the next financial year – the Ryde Business Association are aiming to gather opinions of anyone who parks in Ryde.

Anonymous survey
The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and forms are completed and sent anonymously. Should you wish to be updated on the outcome of the survey, there’s an option to leave your details at the end.

The information gathered from the survey will help the RBA to discuss issues around parking with both the Town Council and Isle of Wight Council.

Take the survey

The Isle of Wight council will be setting their 2019-20 budget on Wednesday 27th February from 5pm in the council chamber.

Image: r4vi under CC BY 2.0