mermaid gin and navy strength gin

Silver Medals for Isle of Wight Mermaid Gin and HMS Victory Navy Strength Gin

Congratulations are in order for yet another brilliant Isle of Wight company.

The Isle of Wight Distillery were proud to announce yesterday that they won a Silver Medal for their Mermaid Gin and HMS Victory Navy Strength Gin at the 2018 International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC).

It’s not the first time the Distillery’s HMS Victory Navy Strength Gin has been recognised. In April last year (2017) it awarded a prestigious Best in Category accolade at the American Distilling Institute (ADI) Spirit Competition.

HMS Victory Navy Rum
As well as Mermaid and HMS Victory Navy Strength Gin, the Isle of Wight Distillery is also now producing HMS Victory Navy Strength Rum, which was launched on no less than HMS Victory itself.

Well done to all involved with this great news. You continue to fly the flag for the Isle of Wight and show that with hard work and determination it’s possible to succeed.

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