Silver Surfers Day: Friday

Age Concern Launches Digital Inclusion NetworkThis week, 17-23 May is Adult Learners Week and as part of that event, tomorrow sees the return of Silver Surfers Day

If you’re over 50 and reading this, chances are that you already know how to surf the Web. But if you happen to know someone who needs some help, you might want to point them in the direction of one of the courses we found taking place tomorrow on the Wight.

Coolspot at the Isle of Wight College in Newport have been running courses all week as part of Adult Learners Week, and tomorrow between 10-3pm you can book a session with an experienced Tutor to explore the Web and find out how to make the most of the Internet.

Contact Simon on 535204 for more info. It won’t cost you a penny.

Custom silver surfer graphics produced by Mike Slocombe of Urban75 e-zine: One of the most popular e-zines on the Web