Snellen & Ward VTC Decision: More Detail

Snell & Ward VTC Decision: More DetailAt a heavily-attended meeting of the Ventnor Town Council tonight, the town councillors unanimously voted to not allow current Jazz festival organisers, Phillip Snellen and Geri Ward, to hire the town’s Winter Gardens in April 2009.

Many of the 24 members of the public attending were representing people who were still owed money by a number of companies operated by Snellen and Ward from previous Jazz Festivals and the Folk and Blues Festival.

Public questions
Many of the public were keen to ask questions during the opening public question time. One after another stood up and detailed monies that had been owing, asking for the town council to take action.

After 20 minutes, five beyond the alloted 15 minutes that public questions normally have, Mayor Scoccia attempted to close it off.

Snell & Ward VTC Decision: More DetailCllr Buster Bartlett asked, “Have we given these people a fair hearing? I ask that we have an extension of public question time.” This was voted on and accepted.

Further points were made, and it was clear to all in the room that there was a strength of feeling against the current organisers of the Jazz Festival, due to report of nearly £70,000 remaining outstanding.

A total of 40 minutes were given for the public to ask questions, which they thanked the council for.

Move to a vote
Val Taylor moved a motion to reject the application by Snellen and Ward, while looking for other possible promoters for the VTC to work with to run the Jazz Festival.

The motion, “To not continue with arrangement with Ward & Snellen and for the council to be prepared to accept bona-fide offers for organisation of a new festival” was voted on and the councillors unanimously voted for the motion.

The outcome? The current organisers of the Jazz Festival will not be able to hire the Winter Gardens to hold their concerts in.

The VTC are to investigate the setting up of a charitable trust run the Jazz Festival.

We have some podcasts coming out tomorrow with further details.

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