Nurses outside the Spring 2023 vaccination hub

Spring into action: St Mary’s vaccination hub launches Covid-19 spring vaccination programme

The Covid-19 spring vaccination programme is underway and St Mary’s Hospital Vaccination Hub is offering the spring vaccine to those who are eligible.

Over 235,000 people across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight are eligible for a Covid-19 spring vaccine, including everyone aged 75 years plus, and those with a weakened immune system. People living in care homes are being prioritised and have already started to receive their vaccinations.

Booking your jab
If you are eligible for a spring vaccination you will be invited to book either directly through your GP practice or you can go ahead and book using the National Booking Service or NHS App or by calling 119.

For those people without the app or not actively using it, text messages and letters will also be sent. 

St Mary’s Vaccination Hub
From Monday 17th April, St Mary’s Vaccination Hub is offering appointments on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7.45am to 5:45pm.

Appointments can be booked using the National Booking System. Alternatively, you can also walk-in (no appointment needed) however, booked appointments will be prioritised and you may have a long wait.

The last spring vaccination appointments will be offered at St Mary’s on 29th June. Doses 1 and 2 will continue to be offered until 29 June and must be booked using the National Booking System.

Lightfoot: Keep checking online as we release more appointments
Sue Lightfoot, St Mary’s Vaccination Hub Clinical Lead, said,

“Covid-19 is still very much with us and can cause serious illness and hospitalisation for some so it is really important that our over 75s and those with a weakened immune system come forward and have their spring vaccination.

“We look forward to welcoming people to the St Mary’s Hub and we expect to be very busy in the coming weeks so keep checking online as we release more appointments. We are unable to take calls directly but the National Booking System will be able to help with all enquiries relating to your vaccination appointment.”

The St Mary’s Vaccination Hub is located in the South Block building, opposite the Duck Pond and accessible parking is available to the rear of the building which can be accessed from the Laidlaw entrance.

People can get information, help with booking an appointment or check eligibility by contacting the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Vaccination Helpline on 0300 561 0018.

News shared by Isle of Wight NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed