St Catherine’s Open Air School: Were You A Pupil in the 1950s?

He is looking for others who may’ve been at the school the same time, read on to find out more.

I wonder if you can help me. I have tried many times via various web sites to find any information regarding St Catherine’s Open Air School.

I believe this is the correct name but when I was a patient there about 1951-1952, I always thought of it as a HOME under the supervision of the nuns.

There was an old Victorian house in the grounds at the top of a hill, the chapel and school rooms and canteen were at the bottom of the site.

I have tried many different ways to try and contact any other boys who were resident at this time but to no avail and most enquiries have referred me to the large chest clinic which was, I believe, a different hospital altogether.

Bryn is keen to get in touch with previous residents of the home. If you attended or know of someone who did and you’d like us to pass on your contact details, get in touch with us via the contact form and we’ll do just that.