Steve Beynon, IWC Chief Executive, to leave before election

Further to our report published yesterday that Steve Beynon would be leaving the authority earlier than he has previously stated, the budget strategy report, released today by the council, confirms this is the case.

The chief executive had told OnTheWight last November that he had no intention of leaving prior to the May elections, but today report – delayed from its expected publication yesterday – reveals plans to remove the role of chief executive following a re-structure of the organisation.

A council press release which followed release of the Cabinet papers states,

“The current chief executive Steve Beynon – who had already announced his intention to retire this year – will leave at the end of the current financial year, when the post will be made redundant, in order to give a full-year saving in 2013/14. It is proposed that the Head of Paid Service responsibilities are undertaken on an interim basis by the strategic director for resources until a permanent appointment is finalised in May.”

Dave Burbage will take on the responsibilities of Head of Paid Service.

The report which is due to be presented to the Cabinet on 12 February, goes before Scrutiny Panels next week where the relevant Strategic Director and Cabinet Members will give an overview of the current position.

All the recommendations made by each scrutiny panel will also be discussed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 7 February 2013.

Image: Kevin Walters under CC BY 2.0