Strong Communities Can Achieve Great Results

The Internet is an amazing tool, that when used positively, can be great for providing help to people and communities, sharing people’s ideas – so much so, a specific name has grown up for it – crowd sourcing.

Flickr-ites Detectives Reconnect Lost Camera With OwnerVentnorBlog Flickr member, Moyen Format, pointed us in the direction of a great example of community spirit that came together on photo sharing site Flickr.

Rhonda Surman, with the Flickr moniker ‘irenicdonna,’ had found a camera while out walking in Scotland, handed it in to the police and as it hadn’t been claimed by its owner after two months, the camera had become hers, as that’s the way the law works in the UK.

Looking through the photos on the camera, she found a series of photo from in and around what she assumed was the camera home, a stag night and a European trip that she thought might have been taken on the honeymoon.

While some might have just deleted the photos and delighted in a new camera, irenicdonna’s human spirit rightly came to the front and drove her to try and find the rightful owner.

The detective works begins
She posted a brief description on the Scots discussion board on Flickr and the ‘crowd’ sprung into action.

Some people put forward suggestions of where some of the Scottish photos were taken; others thought they recognised people in the photos; the readable vehicle registration gave more clues.

Once an address was established, another of the gang researched and found details of a planning applications there, revealing a possible landlord for it and some contact details.

Flickr-ites Detectives Reconnect Lost Camera With OwnerThe owner is found
Within less than a week irenicdonna has spoken to the original owner of the camera!

nickfilippelli, the owner, then came on to Flickr to thank everyone, “I don’t know if there are many (or enough) people in the world who would do what you’ve done. I can’t thank you enough.”

He also went to send Rhonda a large flower display by way of thanks for her efforts.

Helping is rewarding
For those involved in the identification, it’s clear that there was a thrill in being detectives on a case, as well as knowing that their contribution could be building to someone getting their camera back.

It’s amazing what people can do when they work together using the Internet as the means of communicating isn’t it?

Read the whole adventure.

Flower photo: irenicdonna