windy dog

Isle of Wight strong wind weather warning

The Met Office have issued a weather warning for strong winds next week.

The warning is valid from 9am on Tuesday morning and runs until midday on Wednesday.

It reads:

Tuesday and Wednesday sees another likely period of strong winds and gales, with some disruption to transport possible.

What to expect

  • Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are likely
  • Probably some bus and train services affected, with some journeys taking longer
  • Delays for high-sided vehicles on exposed routes and bridges likely
  • It’s likely that some coastal routes, sea fronts and coastal communities affected by spray and/or large waves
  • Some short term loss of power and other services is possible

A spell of strong winds is likely to develop across the southwest of England and Wales on Tuesday morning, before spreading east across other parts of England and Wales overnight, clearing into the North Sea on Wednesday.

Gusts of wind are likely to exceed 50 mph for quite a few places, with exposed coasts and hills seeing gusts in excess of 60 mph.

Whilst not exceptional, winds this strong are unusual for August and they will be accompanied by some heavy rain in places, with possible transport disruption and impacts on outdoor activities.

Image: PROCarlo Scherer under CC BY 2.0