The Big Plant: £52k to create native species areas

Congratulations to Islander Angela Hewitt from the Naturezones Wildlife Education Trust for winning a £51,900 Heritage Lottery Grant.

Wildflowers:The money will support the Plant Native project that works with school children and local community groups to create native species areas within their community.

Project manager Angela Hewitt says “This is thrilling news and we really hope we can make a difference to our Island wildlife by encouraging everyone to grow native species plants.”

She went on to say, “A significant part of this project is to support vulnerable young people and adults who need extra support to get them back into the community and in many cases to regain confidence to get back to work.”

Get help for a project in your area
Community groups such as churches, community associations, parish councils, and schools can all be involved in the project, so if you are interested or know of someone who may be email [email protected] with details of the area you want to develop.

The Naturezones team will be able to help with the design and planting scheme.

To find out more about the Plant Native project visit the Naturezones Website.