Many thanks to the IW Rural Community Council for helping support VB by paying for this feature. Ed
The Isle of Wight Rural Community Council (IWRCC) is offering a programme of training during March and April at locations around the Island.
Some sessions are for individuals while others are suitable for organisations supporting communities. Most sessions are FREE so don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities!
Be Your Own Boss
Ever thought of running your own business or turning a hobby into a job? Then this is just the course for you. Full details
Healthy Eating Demonstration
Come along to watch and learn from Paul the Community Chef as he demonstrates how to prepare simple healthy meals. This session is open to all the family. Full details
Introduction to Volunteering
Do you want to learn new skills, help your community, enhance your CV or meet new people? These introductory sessions will explain what is likely to be required from you and how you can get involved. Full details
Energetic energy saving
Meet the Footprint Trust and find out in one fun session how you can save £100’s from your fuel and energy bills. Full details
For community groups we have a range of classes including:
- Growing your own funding (Details)
- Safer Recruitment (Details)
- Planning & delivering large community projects (Details)
Master Classes
Master Classes cost £40 per person, although some bursaries are available for new groups.
Legal issues for social enterprises & charity trading
This seminar will be delivered by a lawyer from one on the UK’s leading Charity Law firms, Bates, Wells and Braithwaite.
If your organisation is considering operating community facilities such as libraries or leisure centres or setting up a separate trading arm then this is a must attend event. Full details
Financial management for social enterprise & charity trading
Led by Collin Fittall, of Bottom Line Impact, a financial management expert with extensive experience of helping smaller organizations overcome financial pressures. This seminar will boost your financial knowledge by teaching you more about profitability, balance sheets and cash flows. Full details.
To check dates and venues around the Island check Events OnTheWight or to find out more or book places call the IWRCC on 524058 or email to