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Time to nominate Isle of Wight Community Volunteer of the Year and Safer Superhero

Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane is inviting members of the local community to put forward individuals they think deserve recognition for going the extra mile to help keep their community safer.

The Commissioner’s Safer Awards recognise the outstanding contribution volunteers and partners make to policing, the criminal justice system and in keeping the community safer. People from across the public, private and voluntary sector will be recognised for the difference they make to help the lives of others.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is inviting nominations to the categories of Community Volunteer of the Year and Safer Superhero.

Community Volunteer of the Year
A member of the public who volunteers in their local community to help to keep people safer. This can be a formal volunteer role with another organisation, or a person who volunteers on their own to help others e.g. helps an elderly neighbour maintain their garden and house which can help to prevent them from being identified as vulnerable by others.

Safer Superhero
A young person who has shown bravery, courage or kindness to keep someone safer. This can be a young person, up to the age of 16 years old, who has helped someone else to be safer. For example, it could be that they care for another family member, have helped someone who has been affected by crime or have shown an act of kindness.

The Commissioner will present his Safer Awards at a special online celebratory event on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 2pm.

Lane: The value volunteers add is enormous
Michael Lane, Police and Crime Commissioner said:

“Throughout the pandemic people have given their time and energy to support others in their community, it is this spirit and passion for helping others that helps to build stronger and more resilient communities.

“Volunteers really matter, they help us to connect with the community, and the value that they add to the work of the Constabulary and partners is enormous.

“Without them we would not be able to deliver all that we do to reduce offending, protect the vulnerable and support victims. My Safer Awards are an opportunity to publicly thank those whose who gone above and beyond.”

Alongside the awards open for public nomination, there are also Safer awards for volunteers directly supporting policing and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office. These awards are nominated from within policing, commissioned services and partner organisations.

This year this includes a new award for 2020 to formally recognise the exceptional contributions of staff and volunteers working across the whole criminal justice system during the pandemic. This is to say thank you to those going above and beyond their role to support the vulnerable and keep our communities safer during the exceptional and unprecedented time.

Make a nomination
If you know someone who you think deserves recognition for the help they provide to others to keep them safer, you can nominate by downloading and completing the form.

For more information contact [email protected]

Nominations will close at 12 noon on Sunday 1st November 2020. 

News shared by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Ed

Image: anthony kelly under CC BY 2.0

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