Totland Pier: Restoration Update

We’ve had quite a few readers get in touch about the restoration of Totland Pier.

New plans for Totland Pier:As readers may remember, the Pier was sold last year and the new owner plans to totally restore it.

The rotten pilings were removed at the end of last summer and new pilings installed in September.

Works suspended over winter
Several readers have been in touch to ask if we knew how the restoration was going. We got in touch with the owner who explained that although the piling work is now complete, further works on site were suspended over the winter months.

He told VB, “There have been delays in the Council discharging the planning conditions on the permission, which has resulted in the work on the replacement cafe being delayed until the end of the season and is now scheduled to commence in November.”

Work on actually pier to recommence soon
However, the delays to work on the cafe won’t stop the restoration of the pier, he went on to say, “Lattice beams are currently being manufactured and the first batch have now been sent for galvanising. These will be brought to site and fitted as soon as they are ready.

“The timber decking is also in the process of being restored off site. Work should therefore recommence within the next few weeks.”

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Alchemy Architects Ltd