Polling station sign taped to a brick wall
Image: secretlondon under CC BY 2.0

Town Council vacancy offers chance for residents to help shape their community

For those interested in local democracy and helping to shape their communities, a vacancy has arisen on an Isle of Wight town council.

Yesterday (Monday 21st November) a vacancy was reported in the Cowes North ward of Cowes Town Council, after Paul Bertie resigned.

Ten requests for by-election needed
If the required number of requests for a by-election are not received then the Town Council will proceed to fill the vacancy by means of co-option, that is, the council choosing who they would like to fill the seat without residents having a say.

The last date for ten local government electors for the area to give Notice in writing that they wish the vacancy to be filled by means of an election is Monday 11th December 2023.

Have your say
The Isle of Wight council’s Electoral Services can be contacted on (01983) 823380, or in writing to
County Hall, High Street, Newport, PO30 1UD.

If the required number of requests are not received then the Town Council will proceed to fill the vacancy by means of co-option.