Urgent work is needed following the collapse of a section of wall that retains the highway. Without repair and strengthening there is a danger the footway and eventually the carriageway would be undermined
Police targeted drivers displaying the four poor driving habits that often lead to serious or fatal collisions – drink/drug driving, driving without a seatbelt, speeding, and using a mobile phone whilst driving
The online calculator will enable you to calculate roughly when it will be safe for you to drive the morning after drinking alcohol. And it can help you calculate when to stop drinking alcohol if you have to drive the following morning
Freshwater Community Speedwatch has recruited and trained fourteen volunteers, all of whom want to help tackle dangerous driving and reduce the number of road traffic accidents on the Island’s roads
Isle of Wight council say they, Island Roads and Hampshire Constabulary have been working with festival organisers to ensure traffic flows smoothly and disruption is kept to a minimum