Clipper team:

UKSA alumni win place in Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

Thanks to Lori from UKSA for this update on successful applicants for the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Ed

Two sailors who trained at UKSA in Cowes have been announced as part of the Dynamic Dozen who will skipper the world’s longest ocean race, the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.

The elite team includes Oliver Cotterell, 27, of Cowes, who completed his Commercial Yachtmaster course at UKSA in 2008 and went on to become an instructor there for a couple of years.

Richard Gould, 26, was on the same UKSA course as Oliver, and the pair are among the younger members of the elite yet diverse crew.

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Skipper photo by (left to right): Patrick van der Zijden, Eric Holden, Gareth Glover, Damian Parnham, Simon Talbot, Pete Stirling, Vicky Ellis, Sean McCarter, Chris Hollis, Olly Cotterell, Matt Mitchell, Rich Gould.

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