Urgent Appeal For 4×4 Drivers

This in from the IW NHS Team. Ed

Urgent Appeal For 4x4 DriversCan we urgently appeal for 4×4 drivers and vehicles to assist us with transporting key staff over the weekend?

Ideally, most people should be able to get around by public transport but we are having problems in areas where services have not yet resumed, or when buses are finishing early in the evening.

If more snow falls at the weekend, we may have problems in ensuring all doctors and nurses can get to work.

Particularly, we would be looking for individuals with a clean drivers license who could commit to assisting for at least half a day Saturday, Sunday or Monday.

Ideally, we need cover from 6am to 2pm and 2pm until 10pm on each of those three days.

We have worked out a mechanism by which we could get NHS business insurance for volunteer drivers and will offer fuel replacement for the miles undertaken.

If people can help, can they please contact the transport desk urgently on 822099, extension 6601. They will need to complete a form which must be signed and then we will need make, model, year and name of driver to ensure the insurance can be arranged.

Thanks for your help, give me a call if you need information.

Image: chimothy27 under CC BY 2.0