V-Bay Bees Competition Announced

Back at the beginning of the month we kicked off a competition giving you, dear readers, the chance to win two tickets to see The Bees play at the Winter Gardens in October.

Nigel Cotton Wins V-Bay Bees CompetitionThey’ll be opening the second V-Bay Festival on Thursday 21st October and the winner of the competition will also be treated to a meal for two at the Ale and Oyster Pub on Ventnor’s seafront before the show.

All you had to do was watch The Bees’ latest video, I Really Need Love, and tell us how many instruments Paul Butler plays.

The entries have been rolling in over the last three weeks and today we picked the winner out of our large virtual hat.

Congratulations go to Nigel Cotton, who managed to get the correct answer of two instruments.

Well done Nigel, look forward to seeing you at the gig.

Here’s a little taster of The Bees’ latest stuff.

Feature sponsored by VentnorBlog

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