Polling station sign taped to a brick wall
Image: secretlondon under CC BY 2.0

Ventnor and St Lawrence by-election approaches as candidates vie for council seat

In the countdown to Christmas, as well as wrapping presents, buying the turkey (or vegetarian alternative) and singing carols, some Isle of Wight residents will be heading to the ballot box.

It will be to fill an empty position on the Isle of Wight Council — as the representative for Ventnor and St Lawrence.

Gary Peace, the former member, resigned in October due to personal reasons and forced a by-election to take place in the ward on 21st December 2023.

Three candidates
Now, just a week away, three candidates have come forward to take up the mantle — Ed Blake (Conservatives), Steve Cooper (Labour) and Ray Harrington-Vail (Liberal Democrats).

But why should they get your vote?

Ed Blake
The local businessman and operator of Ventnor Haven Management has promised new energy and a strong voice to ensure local issues get resolved.

He said,

“As someone who lives and works in the town, I will work constantly for all the residents and fully utilise the platform for progressive action.

“Like other Ventnorians, I have grown tired of empty promises for the area and the lack of action from the Alliance-led council.

“With recent events, the need for action is only accentuated.

“We need to do everything to help our local businesses not only survive this tough period but thrive into the future.

“Encouraging more quality jobs and careers in the area is a long-term aim of mine. This will help keep our talent within the town, fuelling more success in the future.”

Call for more free parking
One of the main issues is accessibility and parking, Mr Blake (pictured below) said, and he believes there should be more free parking in town.

He said he has started working with Conservative councillors who are campaigning to freeze parking and permit charges for the next two years. 

He said,

“For too long the council has hiked prices to plug holes in its budget, which has caused damage to shops and businesses.”

Steve Cooper
Mr Cooper is the current Mayor of Ventnor, and in his role says he has always done what he considered to be vitally important; listening to residents’ concerns and acting upon them, wherever possible.

If progress cannot be achieved, he said, then the reasons why not should be communicated.

Mr Cooper says if he is elected, he will commit to driving improvements in eight areas:

  • Reduce poverty by working in partnership with all the relevant parties
  • Support businesses to boost the local economy and increase job opportunities — especially in the sustainability sector or the green economy
  • Lobby the Isle of Wight Council to make brownfield land available for affordable housing “so young Islanders can remain living on the Island”
  • Reduce carbon emissions in all we do. Mr Cooper said the most dangerous issue facing humans today is climate crisis and it will be foremost in his thoughts while representing residents
  • Lobby the Isle of Wight Council for a survey and plan of action to rebuild Undercliff Drive, once again linking St Lawrence and Niton, if it is feasible to do so
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour and the causes of it by continuing to work with police, local businesses and residents
  • Improve schools’ financial security and local education provision by working with school leaders and parents
  • Uphold ethical leadership and the Nolan Principles for public life

Ray Harrington-Vail
One of the founders of the local Footprint Trust charity, Ray Harrington-Vail has said he is aware of the unique challenges rural, coastal towns and villages have — with the cost of living crisis and energy crisis hitting residents of Ventnor and St Lawrence hard.

His vision for the ward is to “look for imaginative ways to bring empty and underused properties back into use” and highlight how the cost of living crisis and the ongoing landslip issues are affecting local people.

He said,

“I wish to consult with local people about the future of Undercliff Drive and its possible reopening for light traffic.

“Following the recent landslip and sewage pipe collapse, the town was almost cut off, leaving just one road in and out of the area.

“I am sure if such a situation was threatened in Newport or Ryde action would be taken.

“All too often Ventnor and other rural parts of the Island are forgotten about.”

Mr Harrington-Vail said the Liberal Democrats have a “positive vision for the Island”, balancing “the interests of economy, the environment and the community, seeking a fair deal for ordinary people.”

He said he has had support from former Conservative, Green and independent voters, who want to see change and he was looking forward to growing the Liberal Democrat group at County Hall.

Voters will need to take photo ID to cast their vote when polls open between 7am and 10pm next Thursday (21st December 2023).

St Lawrence Village Hall, on Undercliff Drive, and 1 Salisbury Gardens, on Dudley Road, will be used as polling stations.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed