Ventnor beach:

Ventnor Beach: What’s happened to all the shingle?

If you’ve visited Ventnor esplanade recently you might have thought that Ventnor beach was looking a little different. As we walked along last week, we were very surprised to see vast amounts of sand and shingle had disappeared.

The results are clear to see in the photos below.

Down to the weather
OntheWight got in touch with the council’s Countryside, Parks and Beaches officer to find out what might have happened.

They told OnTheWight that say the loss of shingle is simply down to the weather this year.

Apparently, there are plans to remove the steep bank on the beach by replenishing shingle and this will be done in time for the summer season.


Many thanks to Amy McCulloch for use of her photos of the beach.

Click on images for larger versions

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