Ventnor Skate Park: John Baldry & John Cattle On What’s Planned (Podcast)

Ventnor Skate Park: John Baldry & John Cattle On What's Planned (Podcast)A little while back (when it was sunny!), we went down to the skate park in Ventnor to chat to two of the key players for the re-birth of the park – John Cattle, who is chairman of the Ventnor skate park and John Baldry, who has generously volunteered his time as the project manager.

John Baldry has a long history in the construction business and his input is vital in making sure that the works that are going to be carried out and not only properly initially spec’d, but that the equipment that’s required and the volunteer labour is where it needs to be, when it needs to be there.

Lend your hands
You may well have noticed that the skate park has been fenced off and scaffold put over the ramps, making it impossible to skate (see picture above). This has to be done as it’s officially a building site while the works are carried out, but with people lending a hand, it should hopefully all be reopened as soon as possible.

We know it doesn’t sound all that appealing today with the rain ‘n’ that, but when the pitter patter of rain drops stop, there’s going to be a chance of learning new skills when helping out at the skate park.

All help will be appreciated, so if you want to get involved, contact John Cattle via email johncattle23 (at) or his mobile (about 1:53 in to the recording). [audio:]