Ventnor Skate Park: Update

If you’ve been past the skate park this week, you’ll have seen that there’s a digger down there now, levelling the ground and generally making the place look like a building site!

Ventnor Skate Park: UpdateThe next thing on the list is to get the ramp repaired and returned to it’s rightful place and the new concrete surface put in.

Those involved would like to extend their thanks to all who are helping but they do still need more help. If you can give an hour or two of your time, then please go down to the skate park at weekends from 12 midday or contact Rob on 853216.

The work needs to be completed by early August in order to be ready in time for the youth festival on the 11th August (more details to follow soon).

It really is a case of all hands on deck now, so please spare an hour or two if you can.