Ventnor Skate Park: Update On Works

Ventnor Skate Park: Update On WorksWe took a stroll down past the Ventnor Skate Park yesterday and were amazed at the transformation.

All those months ago, when the fate of the skate park was hanging on a thread, who would’ve thought that so much could be done just by volunteers, donations and a passion to keep this facility for all to enjoy?

Ventnor Skate Park: Update On WorksTwo weekends ago, a gang of volunteers slogged it out as the sun beat down in Ventnor.

Following the mass of preparation work (fitting drainage, etc) it was time for the concrete (at discount price from Bardon Vectis) to be poured.

Dave Crouch generously took care of the food for the day, manning the BBQ and Xavier from Ventnor Brewery provided liquid refreshment for the workers.

Anyone walking past the skate part will now see the wonderful new concrete at the front and back of the ramps, Chris Dixcey and Alex were responsible for power floating the concrete the achieve the wonderfully smooth finish.

Ventnor Skate Park: Update On Works

Project Manager, John Baldry told us that in all his years of working in engineering this was the best piece of concrete he has ever seen. Quite an accolade, but clearly worthy of it.

John Cattle, Boney, Toby Leach and John Baldry have worked many 14 hour days down at the skate park bringing it back to a point whereby it can be used and enjoyed by skaters from around the Island.

Ventnor Skate Park: Update On Works

Since the concrete has set, the ramps have been patched up, new fencing fitted, the ramps painting and a galvanised steel skirt placed around the bottom of the ramp.

John tells us that a block wall is due to be built along the front of the park – hopefully with a grind rail fitted along the top of it.

Ventnor Skate Park: Update On Works

The list of those who have helped out on the renovations of the Ventnor Skate Park is extensive, be it in manpower, discounts on materials or donations.

Apologies for anyone we’ve left off the list.

Thanks to: John Baldry, Boney, Toby, Tom Parsons, Flemming, Ben, Brian Lucas, Nathan Holt, Fred and Richard Dixcey.

Mountjoy for Harris fencing

Bardon Vectis for the discount price of concrete

Dave and Matt from KN tools

Ingrams for lending a sledge hammer and donating several tins of undercoat from their paint store

Blakey for lending tools

And finally thanks to the 12 year lads, Connor, Matt, Alex and Michael who helped out by sweeping up. Every little helps and their enthusiasm was really appreciated.

We’ll be bringing you details shortly of Volume Two of the Wight Trash Transitions CD, procceds of which will pay to replace the ply on the ramps.