Winter Gardens

Ventnor Winter Gardens meeting: The outcome

A meeting between Ventnor town council Isle of Wight council officers and the new owner of the Ventnor Winter Gardens (VWG) was held on Friday 19th July 2013.

Deputy leader for the Isle of Wight council, Cllr Steve Stubbings told OnTheWight readers last week that VGW owner, Kevin Sussmilch had called the meeting to discuss the future of the iconic cliff-top venue which has remained empty for the last two years.

Cllr Stubbings has told OnTheWight this afternoon that the meeting was very amicable and that Mr Sussmilch was “absolutely committed” to continuing with the project to redevelop the Winter Gardens.

Site hoardings be erected
The Ventnor Town Council expressed their concerns to Mr Sussmilch about the security of the building.

It was agreed that work would commence imminently to secure the building and erect hoardings around the perimeter of the site, with an artist’s impression of what we can expect to see upon completion.

No schedule of works
Cllr Stubbings confirmed that no schedule of works was presented or details of contractor supplied to those attending the meeting.

As readers may remember, at the beginning of last month, The Hambrough Group told OnTheWight they had not yet appointed contractors for the work.

We’ve been in touch with The Hambrough Group to find out if this has changed and whether they have a schedule of works. We’ll let you know once we hear back.

Press release from Ventnor Town Council
Below is the press release sent out on behalf of the Ventnor Town Council tonight.

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