VentnorBlog Presents … The Aftermath

A big Thank You from us to everyone who contributed to the success of VentnorBlog Presents … held at the glorious Bonchurch Manor Hotel over the weekend.

VentnorBlog Presents ... The AftermathShuba and Mark, owners of the hotel, not only lent the much-praised venue for the event, but provided a huge amount of help, as well as staff, to ensure the event went smoothly. Thanks also to Shuba for her fabulous peanut pakoras, which went down a storm on Friday – not to mention the teas and coffees to keep us all going over the weekend.

Huge thanks for the artists who did an amazing job of creating such stimulating and inspirational work. Great to see that others thought likewise, putting their hands in their pockets to buy some of the work.

Abi MacRobert

It was really pleasing to hear the positive comments from visitors, not only about the venue — “wow, I don’t know why I’ve never been here before” — but about the numerous works of art on show.

Tania Dixcey HallwayThanks to Alpha, Dhyana and Florin for sorting out the door so efficiently and running the cloakroom and also to Ananya for running the till.

Lots of companies stood up to be counted, lending their support for the event.

Last and certainly not least, a big thanks to all of those who came along to visit and look at the art. It’s estimated that in excess of 400 people came along over the time the exhibition was open.

It was a ton of work to get it all organised, but satisfying that so many people benefited from it and highly encouraged that so many people should ask us to host another one — we’ll let the dust settle and give it a serious consideration. Sshhh … don’t tell anyone, but we think we probably will.

Tania Dixcey Hallway

We were only able to take pics when there weren’t many people around,hence it looking fairly quiet.