Vestas Sit-in: National Press Coverage UPDATED

Vestas Sit-in: National Press Coverage You’re probably aware of coverage of the Vestas sit-in by the local media – to varying degrees of completeness.

The national press have been reporting on it too. To save you the hour or so it’s taken us to put this together, here’s what they put out in an easy to click and read format.

The Times has sent down a journalist, Chris Smyth, to cover it. We met up with him during the day on Tuesday (kindly mentioning VB‘s coverage as source that the paper had referred to), where he was getting rather damp, having left the London office in such a rush he didn’t have a coat with him.

He’s had three pieces in Sit-in workers at Vestas factory ‘being starved out’; Protester arrested for trying to deliver food to Vestas sit-in and Wind turbine protesters continue sit in as police accused of blocking food

The Guardian has provided strong coverage (although, as far as we know, hasn’t had anyone on the Island) Staff occupy Isle of Wight wind turbine plant in protest against closure; Striking workers learn to think green and another late last night – Even the Isle of Wight wants Miliband to buck the market.

Sky News has had a couple of pieces Vestas Turbine Workers Continue Sit-In and Activist Arrested For Feeding Protesters.

The Press Association – Turbine workers’ sit-in continues.

The Telegraph – Turbine factory workers seize office over job losses.

The Independent – Wind power plan blown off course

A blip in The Mirror

It even hit the Reuters India site.

Thanks to Wendy who pointed out that the Indi’s have the Vestas story as the lead story on their Site.

Vestas story top on the Indi