Vestas Sit-in: The Tennis Ball Network (video)

Vestas Sit-in: The Tennis Ball NetworkOne feature of the Vestas sit-in has been the ingenuity of those inside and outside to overcome difficulties that being separated by private security, the police and a fence can bring.

An example of thinking around a problem is the use of tennis balls to transfer things in and out of the sit-in.

They’re sliced down the side, the payload inserted and taped up again.

Luckily there’s people on both sides of the fence with strong and accurate throwing arms able to project them over the considerable distance.

As they’re flying over the private land and the fencing, there’s no offence being carried out.

The way in to the boys inside is more of a challenge as the target of the balcony of the Vestas building is a lot smaller.

As some of the tennis balls fall short, those inside have created a box on a long pole that can be used to pick up the strays that land short, if the security don’t get to them first and kick them away.

In the video below, the daily statement from inside is sent out to be read to the waiting supporters.

Can you hear the sorry from the balcony when the thrower realises that he’s hit the van? Another demonstration of how well-mannered this sit-in is.

Watch the tennis ball network in action from last night …

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