Mountbatten's Chelsea Garden

Visit Mountbatten’s award-winning Chelsea Garden, now part of Open Garden Scheme

Mountbatten’s collection of beautiful plants and flowers will be showcased during a special event this coming weekend.

For the first time, the hospice is taking part in the National Open Garden Scheme, an initiative celebrating vibrant gardens across the country.

Mountbatten’s award-winning Chelsea Garden, installed in 2016 and officially opened by Alan Titchmarsh, is the centre piece.

Hartley: Our garden offers a space for social connections, quiet contemplation and reflection
Nigel Hartley, Mountbatten CEO, said,

“We are thrilled to be part of this year’s National Open Garden Scheme.

“While our garden is open to the public all year round for everyone to enjoy, this weekend gives a special emphasis to the wonderful outside space we have at Mountbatten.

“We are incredibly lucky to have a small group of volunteers who do an amazing job of keeping the garden looking so colourful.

“Our garden offers a space for social connections, quiet contemplation and reflection and we really encourage people to come along to see it.”

The garden boasts a variety of interesting, planted areas that includes trees, shrubs, herbaceous, grasses, water feature and decking with an abundance of wildlife.

Free parking is available at Mountbatten and the hospice café will be open, serving a range of drinks, cakes and snacks.

News shared by Matt on behalf of Mountbatten. Ed