VTC Meeting Agenda – Town Centre Managers and Cheetah Marine

The town council meeting tonight has a number of item that might be of interest.

Ventnor’s two Town Centre Managers will be coming along to introduce themselves.

In the list of planning permissions to be discussed is Cheetah Marine, who are applying to alter some of the planning conditions that were imposed when they received planning permission to build a boat-fitting facility on the Eastern Esplanade Car Park.

Other items on the agenda are …

Casual vacancy – resignation of Chris Mortimer, and a report on the actions to fulfil the vacancy.

Blue Flag. Report from Susan Scoccia on present position.

Christmas Fun Day for 8 December. An item from Brenda Lawson.

Provision of allotments. Report from Robbie Mew and John Farrant.

The meeting is as usual in the Bell Bar, upstairs at the Winter Gardens, starting at 7pm.

Thanks to Mark Compton-Hall, who put up all of the details about the meeting on the VB forum on Friday.

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