
Watch out for telephone scam

OnTheWight reader, Steve Williams, has been in touch with a warning to Isle of Wight residents.

He says,

“Got a phone call (appearing to be from 02973 680 545) from a man in a very busy sounding office and on a very distorted line.

“He was calling on behalf of BT, TalkTalk, Virgin and Sky to tell me there is a problem with my line, Internet, computer possibly a virus.

“It’s a scam to get details and access your computer, they ring from what appears 02973 680 545. My advice is don’t answer this number if you can see it on your phone.”

Report the call
If you do receive a call what appears to be number above, please report it to Trading Standards, who can investigate the matter.

OnTheWight called the number given by Steve, but it’s not recognised.

Image: peddhapati under CC BY 2.0