Penguin wearing an eggshell hat

‘Wear A Hat’ for Brain Tumour Research

Today, 28th March, is the charity, Brain Tumour Research’s Wear A Hat Day!

Across the country people are getting involved, aiming to raise awareness and funds for the charity by wearing a hat or taking part in hat-related activities.

Universities are running best hat and hat throwing competitions, community groups are holding raffles, pupils at schools around the nation are taking part in sponsored silences all to help fund the fight against brain tumours.

Devastating for UK children
We were shocked to see that brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of UK children and that more people under the age of 40 die of brain tumours than any other cancer.

The charity aim to raise £7m per year to help fight this devastating cancer.

If you can, please consider donating something today.

Image: ShironekoEuro under CC BY 2.0