Walk the wight

Weather update for Walk the Wight

This in from the Hospice, in their own words, Ed

In light of the current weather conditions, we want to make people aware that it is very windy across the whole of the Island, and even more so in the West Wight and The Needles Finish.

The Walk the Wight route has been assessed today by our Walking Marshals and they have confirmed that whilst it remains very windy the final section of the route is considered safe.

Walk the Wight organisers are continuing consultation with The Needles Park weather experts and will do so throughout the night and the event. Should it be required an alternative lower ground route has been identified and marked out from Freshwater Bay to The Needles. Marshals will be on hand to offer any assistance required.

The weather situation will be monitored overnight and we will make announcements from 5am via Twitter, Facebook IOW Radio should the last section of the route change.

We would ask that all people take care when walking from Freshwater Bay over Tennyson Down and everyone must follow the marked route at all times as this is the safest route; people with buggies should take extra care.

For more information please go to the EMH website at www.iwhospice.org, the EMH Twitter account @earlmbhospice or Facebook page @EarlMountbattenHospice.

Image: © With kind permission of Auntie P