Web Forum Closed After Sensible Discussion Takes Place

Web Forum Closed After Sensible Discussion Takes PlaceDiscussions forums can be funny old places. Users are rarely happy with the moderation, some people believe there is too much, whilst others can feel that there is no enough.

Some of the discussions can be meaningful or touching, whilst others can be angry or cynical.

To be frank, they take a lot of time to manage, with so much work going on in the background that most people wouldn’t be aware of.

That’s why we had to laugh when we saw the offering yesterday from our favourite satirical Website, NewsBiscuit.

The article begins …

An internet chat room was shut down earlier today after a number of users started what the organizers are calling a ‘reasonable and intelligent debate’ in one of the forums. Although details are sketchy, the outbreak of the sensible discussion was apparently characterized by polite disagreement, constructive criticism, and mild language.

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Image: Jasoon