Bouquet by Wild Florist Wild

Wild Florist Wild launch ‘Friday Flowers’: Beautiful, sustainable garden flowers grown by the edge of the Downs

Receiving fresh flowers is a wonderful feeling and can bring joy for all the days that follow each time you see or smell the bouquet.

So it’s great to hear that a new, local floristry venture with sustainability at its heart has been started in Ventnor.

Bouquets created with flowers from garden
Founded by stylist and florist, Tanya Goodwin, Wild Florist Wild offers an alternative to mass-produced, imported flowers from mainstream florists and supermarkets.

Tanya explains,

“The hand-tied bouquets and wreaths in a wild, natural style that reflect the seasons are created with flowers from my garden on the edge of the downs.”

Friday Flowers
Tanya has launched an initiative called ‘Friday Flowers’.

Ventnor-grown flowers are now available to order online for Island-wide delivery on Fridays only, to reduce the carbon footprint of the business.

In the near future, Tanya also hopes to offer small workshops in her potting shed.

To book your bouquet, stay up-to-date with the latest news or for more information head over to the Wild Florist Wild Website.