Will Part of Newport High Street Be Pedestrianised?

A few weeks ago, we heard some rumours of plans to pedestrianise part of Newport High Street.

Will Part of Newport High Street Be Pedestrianised?Hmm we thought, this is one we intend to keep a close eye on, so it’s no surprise to hear that the ‘Newport Transport Strategy’ is up for discussion at this month’s cabinet meeting (14th September).

Background on changes to Newport traffic scheme
Newport county councillor, Geoff Lumley, has been in touch to provide some background.

According to Geoff, eight years ago (this is before our time) a large number of Newport people actively campaigned against the proposed pedestrianisation of Newport High Street.

The then LibDem/Independent IW Council had decided pedestrianisation was a good idea without really doing their homework, and they met a barrage of opposition from town residents unhappy at the thought of traffic being re-directed down their narrow residential streets, and local businesses.

Planned diversions
He goes on to tell us that the new strategy proposes that all eastbound through traffic should initially be routed north along St James Street, across Hunnycross Way and then Riverway onto the dual carriageway, leaving all the High Street east of St James Square ‘traffic free’ down to Coppins Bridge.

Eventually the council want the eastbound traffic to be routed down Mill Street and then Foxes Road (by Sainsburys) to Hunnycross Way – thus leaving the High Street west of St James Square also ‘traffic free’.

Lack of meaningful consultation
Geoff is unhappy about plans going before the Cabinet without “any meaningful consultation with either the town council or general public”.

He finished by saying “There is little doubt that this will again go down with Newport residents like a lead balloon.”

We’ll let you know what happens next week, when covering the Cabinet meeting live on VB.

Will Newport High Street Be Pedestrianised?